The 4 stages below are the same for
exterior and interior projects
1 Rough draft clay model
When the model is finished and corrects with drawings, we are setting up the camera. We send you the first draft images to give you a chance to check the 3D modeling geometry and choose the angles/vantage points you like best.
What do we need from you at this stage?
- You should choose appropriate views of your interior or exterior before we go to the next step. From this moment, we are working only on chosen angles.
- Whether our 3d model correctly displaying the design of your interior or exterior project?
2 A draft model with textures
Now when you are happy with the overall modeling and geometry, we add textures, colors, lighting, and some landscaping to the rendering to bring the images alive.
What do we need from you at this stage?
- Send us your comments and adjustments if there are any.
- Please let us know if you want to get 2 or more options for your exterior or interior design. (For example, you would like to see 2 different furniture sets in the room, or you want to get the renderings of 2 different exterior finishes, etc.)
3 Prefinal image
All the important details of the picture are already in their places. Your comments and revisions helped us to do it. Now we’re on the home stretch. We’re doing this stage so you could make sure that everything exactly the way you want it. This stage is complete when you approve the final composition.
What do we need from you at this stage?
- Let us know the place where you want to use your render. (Post it on the website, put it on the billboard, brochure, etc.)
- Tell us if you still have any comments to the finishes, light, composition or appearance of your interior or exterior rendering, we’ll fix them.
4 Final high-quality image
After we got your feedback about the prefinal image, we begin to work on the final stage, delivering the final high-quality renders.
Render is a time-consuming process where all the 3d objects, lighting, and materials generate into a high-quality image. This image is ready to be post-processed. Post-processing typically includes adding backgrounds, skies, and doing color corrections. Each step in this list has been aligned with you to achieve the best result.
What do we need from you at this stage?
- Sit back, relax and enjoy your stunning 3d renderings.